During our lifetime we are encountering the such situations, when we should make a choice. We call that situation a moment of choice or the point of fork. In academic terms a such state is called the point of bifurcation. We ought to choose the best way from many diverse options. In general we need to select the optimal directions in order to reach our desired result by minimal resource consumption.
The task of selecting directions is similar to the finding a path to the target in the labyrinth. The labyrinth is composed from some different fork points, actually we can consider it as a graph. The restrictions which are represent by labyrinth it is the rules of game and they can be changed. As usual the rules are established by the master part, which dictates the conditions and admitted by the main part of society. If the bulk of community doesn't accept the conditions, then the rules doesn't have a power. The rules gain a power only by the silent approval of majority. Anyway, to identify the rules, we should reveal the state of dominant majority in the socium.
We ought somehow to navigate in the labyrinth. So how to orientate and select the right way ? For navigating in the complex labyrinths we ought to see, explore and analyze an overall image of a map. A wide comprehensive vision will allow us to plan a route of life. We may have a such labyrinths that allows to achieve the goal by two and more ways. In this case we should select the shortest available trajectory. It's similar to the techniques of strategy for seeking the pathways on a geographical map. The dynamic processes which occur beneath of earth surface or in the space may transform the landscape. After that required to adapt a map to the new reality. We ought to apply a map that reflects the reality.
We are an integral part of the mosaic that represents the socium.
A modern human society it is a really complex system in which is taking place the complicated dynamic processes.
To identify the state and tendencies of complicated system such as a human community we can apply the either of methodologies:
conventional social surveys or mining data from internet search results.
Nowadays the internet has become the main source of information for the substantial part of society.
The bulk of users as a rule are looking for the required information online through the search engines.
The search engines queries points up the aggregate attention and engagement of users which is concentrated at a certain moment of time.
So that we can say that the internet search data results are reflecting the collective behaviour of society.
The search engines is identical to the crowdsource platform for the social survey.
The collective action of the internet users when they querying for the required information online through the search engines looks like a crowdsourcing for the social surveys.
In traditional social surveys (both paper based and online-electronic) we are selecting the determined answer from deterministic questionnaires.
In contrast to the conventional survey, the search engine questionnaire has the following questions:
If you know what you want and what you need, then you can to determine the objectives. The aim is to derive the corresponding keywords from the target goals. We can also to extract the keywords from the aggregated objectives.
The vector of target and the course of actionsFor to reach a goal, required to take into account a multiple external and internal factors. In it's way we can face to a lot or fewer restrictions. In the case of complicated preconditions is needed to compose a plan of actions. The planning has a crucial meaning not only for any kind of business but also for organizing the other life processes. The plan is adapted to the certain circumstance.
In nature the big waves as a rule have a low frequency. And conversely a high frequency waves can not obtain a big amplitudes. The waves with big amplitudes can suppress the waves with small amplitudes. What is a tendency? An informational pulse which is involves more and more people by the viral spread of information. It is a low frequency wave which has a big amplitude! The random fluctuations are high frequency waves. Actually the noise is a series of random fluctuations. A new trend brings a new game rules. And the obsolete plan may crash at the new conditions. Nowadays many companies are applying the Agile concept, which is represent by itself a dynamic or an adaptive planning. For example, according to the Agile concept Scrum Methodology, the company teams participants are periodically gathering on the group meetings to evaluate the factors and if required to adjust the plan to the new circumstances.
To overcome the complicated labyrinths we need to plan the routes.
Which is involves the sufficient consumption of financial and time resources.
Meanwhile we can pass through the simple labyrinths even without any plan.
The pathway without any obstacle or a fewer obstacles is called a window of opportunity.
Observable - predictable - controllable
Able to foresee - able to manage
By the google trends tool we can to observe and explore the collective behaviour of human community.
According to our keywords requests it shows the visual relative amounts of keyword queries from total Google search queries for the defined time frame and geographical region.
For monitoring the complex systems, the data visualization has a crucial meaning.
The google trends tool is visualised data in line/bar/pie charts and in choropleth maps.
By analyzing the visual data we can to detect the direction of dominating trend.
In other words we can forecast the further developments.
We can also to export the google trends data into excel compatible csv spreadsheet.
Since the google trends tool operates with relational data values, we may also to apply it for comparative analysis and find out the interdependencies.
If you would like to get the absolute data values then you should to apply another useful tool - google adwords keyword planner.
The policy is touches the all aspects of life - economy, business, society, family ... etc.
Each company has it's own local policy which is integrated into the global policy and interacts with it.
As the same way as the personal policy is integrated into the company policy and interacts with it.
Each person has an individual scale of values.
And everyone consciously or unconsciously implements it's own policy which based on a personal system of values.
Identify the upcoming trends by our analytical tool to apply the tactics of strategy.
The app is utilizes the Google hot searches.
For the feedbacks, please e-mail us at master@lifecourse.xyz
With regards, the Master of LifeCourse.